takes place in La
Chopera, Ugena, Toledo, Spain, from August 23 to 28.
There are
two different types of accommodation available.
On-site hostel Bunk beds in
shared rooms
Adults: 31 euros per day
Children (3 to 12 years old): 22.50 euros per
Infants (0
to 2) Free
Tents and
Adults 26 euros per day
(3 to 12 years old) 22.50 euros per day
Infants (0
to 2) Free
The price
includes accommodation, four meals a day, use of the installations of La
Chopera complex (sports fields and courts, swimming pool etc) and all the talks
and activities of EVAE.
A day is
considered to be from 17:00 on one day to 17:00 the next day. There are five
days in total, though less time is possible.
Inscription in the gathering:
As space is limited it is advisable to reserve. A reservation is considered effective when the total amount payable, or 20% of the amount, is transferred into the account of ALE Banesto (now Banco Santander) ES31 0030 3147 71 0298021273, indicating in the concept of the transfer ‘EVAE 2016’ and the name of the individual or family concerned. Next, send a copy of the transfer to the email of the event: encuentroalted@gmail.com. Specify in the email the name of the people coming, ages, type of accommodation, and any special dietary requirements.
Contact: Daragh (0034)722349019
Email: encuentroalted@gmail.com
Page in facebook: https://www.facebook.com/encuentroalternativaseducativas/
Group in facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/Encuentrosalternativaseducativas/
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